Discover the Luxury Cigar Ashtray - Lys Impérial , a centerpiece for distinguished cigar lovers. This sumptuous ashtray, available in two color variations, is designed to bring a touch of elegance and sophistication to your smoking area. Inspired by royal motifs, this ashtray combines aesthetics and functionality for an unparalleled smoking experience.
Color Variations
- Imperial Emerald (Green)
- Imperial Ebony (Black)
Features :
- High Quality Materials : Made of high-end ceramic, each ashtray is finely decorated with golden patterns inspired by imperial decorations.
- Elegant Design : The richly colored floral and geometric designs enhance the appearance of the ashtray, making it a true object of art.
- Practical support : The four gold supports hold your cigars in place, ensuring regular combustion.
- Dimensions : 14.5 x 14.5 x 3.5 cm, perfectly sized to accommodate several cigars simultaneously.
- Ideal Gift : Presented in a luxury box, this ashtray is the perfect gift for cigar lovers.
SEO Optimized Description:
Treat yourself to a smoking experience worthy of the greatest palates with the Luxury Cigar Ashtray - Lys Impérial . Available in two sumptuous variations, Imperial Emerald and Imperial Ebony, this ashtray is designed for those who appreciate the art of cigar smoking. Made from high-quality ceramic and decorated with golden patterns, this ashtray combines style and practicality. Perfect for personal use or as a luxurious gift, this ashtray is an essential addition to any smoker's collection. Transform every moment of relaxation into a true imperial ceremony.
Order now and add a touch of royalty to your smoking area.