Discover the Cigar Humidor - Enigma Style , an innovation combining sophistication and safety for cigar lovers. Designed with an elegant glass design and a secret code closing mechanism and an integrated hygrometer on the lid, this humidor is the ideal choice for those looking to protect and display their cigars with distinction.
Main Features :
- Elegant Design : The Enigma Style Cigar Humidor has a glass front that allows you to see your cigars while keeping them safe. The aesthetic appearance of this cellar will add a touch of luxury to any environment.
- Maximum Security : Equipped with a secret code closing system, this humidor ensures optimal protection of your cigars against unauthorized access.
- Integrated Hygrometer: Ensure constant humidity monitoring with the integrated hygrometer on the lid. This essential tool helps maintain the ideal environment for storing your cigars.
- Humidifier and Separator Included : To guarantee optimal preservation, the humidor is equipped with an integrated humidifier and cigar separators, allowing you to maintain the ideal humidity and organize your cigars efficiently.
Capacity and Dimensions : Designed to accommodate up to 30 cigars, its dimensions offer attractive storage space without compromising style and compactness.
- Dimensions : 23.5 x 18.5 x 8.5 cm
- Capacity : 20-30 cigars depending on the size of the cigars
- Quality Materials : Made with premium materials, the Enigma Style Cigar Humidor guarantees perfect storage of your cigars by maintaining ideal humidity and temperature.
- Practicality and Ease of Use : The locking mechanism is simple to configure and use, making this cellar as practical as it is elegant.
Technical specifications :
- Dimensions: 23.5 x 18.5 x 8.5 cm
- Material: Spanish cedar wood, glass
- Closing Mechanism: Secret Code
- Capacity: 20-30 cigars depending on the size of the cigars
- Humidifier: Included
- Cigar Separators: Included
- Integrated hygrometer
Benefits :
- Superior Protection : Protect your precious cigars with an advanced locking system.
- Optimal Preservation : Ensure your cigars stay fresh and flavorful with precise humidity control.
- Elegant Display : Showcase your cigar collection with a refined glass design.
Why Choose the Cigar Humidor - Enigma Style?
The Cigar Humidor - Enigma Style is not just a storage solution, it is a statement of style and security. Inspired by the aura of mystery and sophistication, it is ideal for cigar lovers who value presentation as well as preservation.
Order your Cigar Humidor - Enigma Style now and offer your cigars a storage space worthy of their quality and finesse.