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Explorez le Monde avec Enthousiasme : Les Cartes du Monde à Gratter

Explore the World with Enthusiasm: Scratch Off World Maps

Explore the World with Enthusiasm: Scratch Off World Maps

For lovers of travel and adventure, scratch off world maps are a fascinating and interactive way to track your explorations. They combine art and function to create a unique piece that celebrates your adventures across the globe. Find out how these maps can inspire your future travels.

What is a Scratch Off World Map?

A scratch-off world map is a decorative map where each country or region is covered in a thin scratch-off layer, revealing a different color or pattern underneath. Every time you visit a new place, you can scrape off the top layer to mark your trip.

Why Choose a Scratch Off World Map?

  • Interactivity : Transform every trip into a memorable experience by scratching off the countries visited.
  • Decoration : Add an aesthetic and personal touch to your interior with an elegant and colorful card.
  • Inspiration : Use the map to plan your future trips and discover new destinations.
  • Ideal Gift : Perfect for travel enthusiasts, geography students or as a housewarming gift.

Our Selection of Scratch Off World Maps

Scratch Off World Map - Deluxe Edition

This luxury map features precise details and vibrant colors, perfect for the most discerning traveler. It is printed on high quality paper and includes an elegant frame.

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Scratch Off World Map - Vintage

Designed for adventurers, this map features travel icons and interesting facts about each country. It is perfect to inspire your next expeditions.

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How to Use a Scratch Off World Map

  1. Hang the Map : Choose a prominent wall where you can easily access your map.
  2. Scrape the Countries Visited : Use a coin or scraper to remove the top layer of the countries you have visited.
  3. Plan your Trips : Use the unscraped areas to plan your next destinations.
  4. Enjoy the Art : Admire your map as you travel, adding photos or memorabilia around it to complete the decoration.


Scratch off world maps are more than just decoration; they are a celebration of your travels and a source of inspiration for your future adventures. To discover our full range of scratch-off world maps, visit Atelier Atypical .

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